Vehicle Loans
It’s always nice picking up a new or used car, but most importantly, it is essential to have the correct product and set up for you. At Prestige Lending Australia, the availability of the best tools to fit your circumstance can happily be arranged. There a number of structures in which you can obtain a vehicle loan and it is always paramount to speak to your accountant or financial advisor before making this decision. Also factor in existing commitments, to make sure you are comfortable in affording the new debt being taken on.
Options are a secured lend, which will provide you with a cheaper interest rate. An unsecured lend, which will increase the interest rate, and also you can consider a balloon payment to help out with the repayment structure. A Balloon payment is a once off lump sum, due to be paid at the end of the loan term. You can choose to add this on the vehicle loan structure, then sell the item to cover the balloon amount.
We have a number of lenders on board to select from, in making the process quick and efficient for you. A pre-approval can be arranged so you know the finance can be secured.